Faerie Kiss Gandalf il Blu -
Owner Elisa Gadaldi |
Kitten/Litter: |
on Tuesday 25th February 2003 in the morning. 95 grams. Pedigree.
I am a boy and my name will be... Faerie Kiss Gandalf The Blue
(Alessandro Del Piero)
lilac tabby point |
Kiss Edjem be my Faery
blue point |
Breeder: |
Kiss - Roberta Bianchi |
Tue 25 Feb 2003 |
 | Make sure the kittens get warm as
soon as possible after they are born. When they are still wet their
temperature can drop rapidly. Put them under a ceramic lamp (if the
queen lets you take her kittens away), or use a heating pad or
cushion, a bottle filled with warm water (covered with a towel) or
even warm (not hot) towels. Warm a chilled kitten gradually!
 | When the queen is finished giving
birth, return the kittens to her (after cleaning up). |
 | It's very important that the kittens
receive the queen's first milk during this day. This first milk,
colostrum, contains antibodies that help to protect the kittens
against infections. The ability of the kitten to absorb these
antibodies will cease after 24-48 hours. |
 | Determine the sex of the kittens.
Lift the tail of the kitten. You should see two openings, if they
are close together, the kittens is a female, if they are farther
apart, the kitten is a male. |
 | You should weigh the kittens every
day - or at least during the first two weeks. They should have
doubled their weight at the end of the first week and gain at least
10 grams each day. |
Tue 25 Feb 2003 -
Wed 26 Feb 2003 |
 | The first two days of your kitten's
life are the most critical for its survival. |
 | Try not to disturb the queen and her
kittens too much, but do check every two hours or so to see if
everything is OK - especially if it's the queens first litter. Keep
a close eye on the queen. If she appears to be feverish take her to
your vet. |
Tue 25 Feb 2003 -
Thu 27 Feb 2003 |
 | The umbilicus should be carefully
inspected for evidence of inflammation or infection. |
Wed 26 Feb 2003 |
 | Some kittens loose a bit of weight
during their first day, but will catch up during the second day and
fill out rapidly after that. |
 | A healthy new-born kitten is either
sleeping or sucking. |
 | If a kitten appears to be apathetic
or cries constantly, something is wrong (consult your veterinarian)! |
Wed 26 Feb 2003 -
Thu 27 Feb 2003 |
 | Umbilical cord drops off. |
I am 8 days
old... and my human mum saw me for the first time! She was in the states
when I was born :-(
My weight is 160 grams today. |
Sat 1 Mar 2003 -
Thu 6 Mar 2003 |
 | The kitten's eyes will start to open.
Their sight is still very foggy. |
 | Kittens are born with blue eyes.
 | Make sure the eyes are clean, look
for any signs of pus. |
 | Keep the kittens away from bright
lights. |
Sun 2 Mar 2003 -
Mon 10 Mar 2003 |
 | The ear canals begin to open. |
Mon 3 Mar 2003 |
 | If the queen can't handle the feeding
of her kittens, you might want to take care of two or three feedings
each day. |
 | Feed the kittens a commercial
artificial queen's milk (like KMR). Use a syringe or with a soft
rubber nipple. |
 | Don't overfeed the kittens (when it
is full, bubbles come out around its mouth). |
 | Don't forget to give the queen some
too (as much as she likes). |
9 Mar 2003
I am opening my eyes!!!
Mon 10 Mar 2003 -
Mon 17 Mar 2003 |
 | The kittens are more aware of their
surroundings and will start to explore. |
Thu 13 Mar 2003 |
 | Ear canals should have completely
opened by now. |
Fri 14 Mar 2003 |
 | The kittens will be able to excrete
without being stimulated. |
Mon 17 Mar 2003 |
 | Kittens are able to purr now.
 | Kittens can stand up now. |
 | At this stage you may want to
introduce a miniature litter box, but be very cautious - some
kittens try to eat the litter filling. Switch to another type if
they do (try the sort that is made out of paper or wood). |
Mon 17 Mar 2003 - |
 | Socialisation with people and cats
will take place during this period. |
Mon 17 Mar 2003 -
Mon 24 Mar 2003 |
 | Baby teeth will start to appear. |
Mon 24 Mar 2003 |
 | Most kittens can start to eat
semi-solid food. |
Mon 24 Mar 2003 -
Mon 7 Apr 2003 |
 | The colour of the iris of the kitten's
eyes will start to change colour. |
Mar 29
Ora ho un mese. Mangio anche le pappe, saltello e uso la sabbietta!!! |
Mon 31 Mar 2003 |
 | Kittens can be dewormed now (or even
sooner if the kittens are infested with worms). |
 | Make sure to use a preparation
suitable for kittens this young (consult your veterinarian).
 | Never worm a sick kitten (see your
veterinarian first). |
Mon 7 Apr 2003 |
 | Kittens are fully weaned now and need
lots of space to exercise. |
Sun 13 Apr 2003 |
Mon 21 Apr 2003 |
 | First vaccination against Feline
Respiratory Disease - Rhinotracheitis virus (FVR) and calicivirus (FCV)
- and Panleukopenia (Feline Infectious Enteritis) can be given now. |
Sat 26 Apr
Siamo andati dal vet per la prima vaccinazione |
Mon 12 May 2003 |
 | Second vaccination against Feline
Respiratory Disease - Rhinotracheitis virus (FVR) and calicivirus (FCV)
- and Panleukopenia (Feline Infectious Enteritis) can be given now. |
Mon 19 May 2003 |
 | Adult teeth will start to appear. |
Mon 19 May 2003 |
 | The kittens are twelve weeks old now
and just about old enough to leave the nest and go to a new home. |
Novembre 2003 |
Partecipo alla prima esposizione
felina e ottengo EX-1 dal giudice finlandese Saarela. |