On Februrary 11th 2007 Edjem birth to one female kitten and to one boy.
I have a problem, I love them all!!!
But I need to make choices ;-)))

I genitori, the parents:

Sinah's Viscount Valentino
blue point

EC Faerie Kiss Edjem Be My Faery
blue point

Pedigree of the kittens - Foto di Gruppo/Group Pics

Pedigree of the kittens
Faerie Kiss Noblesse Oblige

blue point boy

Faerie Kiss Nimphelos

lilac point girl

weight at birth-one month-two months-three months

00 - 00 - 975-1500 00 - 00 - 1044-1500


Faerie Kiss Noblesse Oblige
blue point boy
Owner: Patricia Noir
Ktema Noir Cattery - Lyon (F)



Faerie Kiss Nimphelos
lilac point girl
Lives close to Milan with Luna

2 x EX1
1 x Best in Variety - tot




Foto di gruppo










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